Abortion Laws Going Even Further to Limit Women's Reproductive Rights


In May of 2021, the Texas Legislature introduced the Texas Heartbeat Act. By September of 2021, the law had taken effect. Last week, Ohio Legislature introduced a bill that goes even further than Texas' abortion law. This bill is called the 2363 Act.


-no abortions after six weeks or as soon as cardiac activity is detectable 

-private citizens can sue abortion providers and/or anyone who helps someone get an abortion

-these private citizens can sue without having any type of relationship to the person getting the abortion

-those who win the lawsuit against the person who got the abortion could be awarded $10,000 or more

-this law puts the enforcement of the Heartbeat Act into the citizens hands rather than law enforcement 


-total ban on abortions in the state

-"the legislation does not include exceptions for rape or incest, but it would shield abortion patients from being sued by individuals who may have gotten them pregnant through rape or another form of sexual violence." (The Hill)

-private citizens can sue abortion providers and/or anyone who helps someone get an abortion

-those who win the lawsuit against the person who got the abortion could be awarded $10,000 or more per abortion

With Ohio trying to pass this bill, they are aiming to put even more restrictions on women's reproductive rights and health. This is yet another egregious attack on women's rights. If this bill passes, it will become the most extreme abortion law in the United States.

For More Information on Ohio's Law:


For More Information on Texas' Law:



  1. I really like the layout of this blog post. You got straight to the point and just provided the information. I can't believe that states are still trying to pass these laws even though there has been a lot of people sharing their dissatisfaction. I find it crazy that Ohio even went further than Texas. Women deserve reproductive rights... this is so sad.

  2. I like how you stated the facts and how it was clear to see what the information was for each state. It's insane when you read just the straight facts and really think on the impact they can have. I can't believe states are going so far as letting citizen sue others for seeking an abortion. It's quite hypocritical that those who are in favor of these restrictions also don't want any restrictions on their guns or their "personal freedoms" with masks. It really goes to show you how those in power fight for their own rights rather than the rights of others..


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